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Ad Metrics Benchmarks 2024

Ad Metrics Benchmarks 2024

These benchmarks are key indicators of performance for advertisers. Here’s a brief explanation of each:
1. Cost per Click (CPC): Measures how much you pay for each click on your ads. A lower CPC can indicate more efficient targeting or ad performance.
2. Click-through Rate (CTR): The ratio of clicks on a specific link to the number of times a page, email, or advertisement is shown. The higher the click-through rate, the more successful the ad has been in generating interest.
3. Cost per Impression (CPM): Reflects the cost of 1,000 impressions of your ad. This helps in understanding the cost effectiveness of reaching your audience.
4. Lead Gen Form Fill Completion Rate: This is the percentage of users who complete a lead form after interacting with your ad. Higher rates suggest better ad relevance and user interest.
4. Cost per Conversion: Tracks the cost of acquiring a conversion, which could be a sign-up, download, or a sale. This metric is crucial for measuring ROI and the effectiveness of the ad in driving desired actions.
5. Engagement Rate: Measures interactions with your ad, including clicks, likes, comments, and shares. Higher engagement rates often indicate more compelling or relevant content to your target audience.
Monitoring these benchmarks helps in optimizing campaigns and improving overall advertising effectiveness.

LinkedIn Ads Benchmark

Cost per click (CPC)

  1. CPC= (Total Cost of Campaign)/(Total Clicks)
  1. Global CPC Benchmark for LinkedIn - $5.58
  1. CPC By Seniority Level
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Here's the chart displaying the Cost Per Click (CPC) for different seniority levels. As shown, Senior Decision-Makers have a higher CPC at $6.40 compared to Junior Employees at $4.40. This could reflect the higher value placed on reaching more senior individuals who may have greater decision-making power.
  1. CPC by Job Functions
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Here's the chart illustrating the Cost Per Click (CPC) benchmarks across various job functions. It's evident that certain functions like Information Technology and Product Management have higher CPCs, likely due to the competitive nature of targeting these specialized roles. On the other hand, roles in Education and Engineering tend to have lower CPCs. This visualization can help tailor your advertising strategy by focusing resources on the most valuable or strategic job functions for your campaign objectives.

Click Through Rate (CTR)

  1. CTR= [(Total Clicks)/(Total Impressions)]*100
  1. The global average CTR for sponsored content is between 0.44% – 0.65%.
  • Sponsored Content (Single Image): 0.56%
  • Sponsored Content (Video): 0.44%
  1. Global CTR Averages by Seniority Level
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Here's the chart showing the Global Click-Through Rate (CTR) averages for Senior Decision-Makers and Junior Employees. Both groups show relatively similar CTRs, with Junior Employees having a slightly higher rate at 0.60% compared to 0.55% for Senior Decision-Makers. This might indicate that while it costs more to target senior decision-makers, junior employees engage at a slightly higher rate.
  1. Global CTR Averages across Job Functions
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Here's the chart displaying the Click-Through Rate (CTR) averages across various job functions. The rates vary slightly, with Business Development and Education achieving the highest CTRs at 0.65%, while Product Management has the lowest at 0.54%. This visualization provides insights into which job functions are more likely to engage with your ads, potentially guiding where to focus your advertising efforts for maximum impact.
  1. CTR Averages by Regions
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6. The CTR for LinkedIn ads across industries is 0.52%
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Here's the chart showing the Click-Through Rate (CTR) averages by industry. Retail stands out with the highest CTR at 0.8%, suggesting strong engagement in this sector. Transportation & Logistics and Consumer Goods also show higher engagement rates. In contrast, the Software & Internet industry has the lowest CTR at 0.39%. This information can guide targeted advertising strategies and content adjustments to better resonate with specific industry audiences.

Cost per Impression (CPM)

  1. CPM = [(Total Cost of Campaign)/(Total Impressions)]*1000
Pro tip: Remember that CPM is measured in 1,000 impressions. Meaning if the total forecasted impressions are 175,000, you’ll need to divide it by 1,000 first to calculate the CPM.
2. The CPM average on LinkedIn: $33.80 per 1000 impressions.

Cost Per Lead (CPL)

  1. Cost Per Lead ($) = Total Ad Spend ($) ÷ Number of Leads
  1. Avg. CPL ranges from $15 to $350
  1. Global CPL benchmark by Industries
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Here's the chart displaying the Cost per Lead (CPL) by industry. Hardware & Networking has the highest CPL at $150, suggesting it might be more costly to generate leads in this industry. The Software & IT and Healthcare industries also see higher CPL rates at $125. In contrast, Corporate Services and Education show the lowest CPL, indicating more cost-effective lead generation in these sectors. This data can help in budgeting and strategizing lead generation efforts across different industries.

Lead Gen Form Completion rate

  1. The Lead Gen Form (LGF) completion rate is calculated by dividing the number of form submissions by the total number of form opens. A low LGF completion rate indicates that users are opening but not completing your forms. This often occurs for several reasons:
      • The details on the lead gen form are not compelling enough.
      • The content of the form doesn't match the expectations set by the ad they clicked.
      • The form is not targeted to the right audience.
  1. The benchmark for LinkedIn Lead Gen Form completion rates is 10%. A completion rate above this threshold is considered good.

Cost Per Conversion

  1. Conversion rate refers to the percentage of conversions relative to the number of clicks.
  1. Benchmark for Conversion Rate on LinkedIn is 5% – 15%

LinkedIn Ad Engagement Rate

  1. Ad Engagement Rate (%) = [(Number of Interaction) ÷ (Number of Impressions)] x 100
  1. Here are the engagement rate benchmarks:
  • Non-video Sponsored Content: 0.5%
  • Video Sponsored Content: 1.6%
  1. Average Engagement Rate across Industries
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  1. Average Engagement Rate by Regions
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Facebook Ads Benchmarks

Traffic Campaigns

  1. The average CPC in Facebook ads for traffic campaigns across all industries is $0.83.
  1. The average CTR in Facebook ads for traffic campaigns across all industries is 1.51%.

Lead Gen Campaigns

  1. The average CTR in Facebook ads for lead gen campaigns across all industries is 2.50%.
  1. The average CPC in Facebook ads for the leads gen campaign across all industries is $1.92.
  1. The average conversion rate in Facebook ads for lead gen campaigns across industries is 8.25%.
  1. The average CPL in Facebook ads for the leads objective across industries is $23.10.

Twitter/X Advertising Benchmarks

  1. Across Industries, avg. CTR - 0.86%
  1. Universal CPC benchmark for Twitter ads - $0.58
  1. Advertisers across industries spend $5.00 on average to generate 1,000 impressions per ad.