
  • Post Length: Aim to keep posts around 100 characters to ensure visibility. Posts longer than 140 characters will be truncated, requiring a click on "See More" to view the full text.
  • Article Title/Headline: Ideal length is 40-49 characters.
  • Introductory Text: Keep this to about 150 characters, although you can go up to 600 characters.
  • Video Content:
    • Native Videos: Best kept at 15 seconds; maximum duration is 10 minutes.
    • Ad Videos: Ideal for brand awareness are under 30 seconds. For top-of-the-funnel marketing, aim for 30-90 seconds; maximum ad duration is 30 minutes.
LinkedIn Character Limit
Best / Ideal length
190 characters
40—49 characters
Introductory Text
600 characters
150 characters
Native videos: 10 minutes Ad videos: 30 minutes
Native video: 15 seconds Brand awareness videos: <30 seconds Top-of-the-funnel marketing videos: 30—90 seconds


  • General Posts: Posts under 50 characters engage better. Posts up to 80 characters receive 66% higher engagement.
  • Facebook Ads:
    • Headline: Aim for about 5 words.
    • Ad Text: Keep it around 19 words; maximum character limit is 135.
  • Page Description: Up to 255 characters allowed.
  • Video Content:
    • Longer Videos: Best engagement for videos lasting 1-3 minutes.
    • Shorter Videos: Optimal under 1 minute, particularly effective up to 20 seconds for Stories.
Facebook Character Limit
Best / Ideal length
Facebook ad headline
40 (Beyond 25, it’s truncated)
5 words
Facebook ad text
19 words
Page description
Video length
240 minutes
Longer videos:  1-3 minutes (good) >3 minutes (best) Shorter videos:  <1 minute Up 20 seconds for Stories


  • Tweets: Keep tweets under 100 characters for optimal engagement.
  • Hashtags: Use 1 to 2 hashtags to double the engagement; avoid using more to prevent drop in engagement.
  • Bio: Your bio can be up to 160 characters.
  • Handle: Limited to 15 characters.
X Index
Twitter Character Limit
Best/Ideal length
280 characters
<100 characters
1 to 2 Keyword length: 6 characters