Recotap Help Centre
Zoho Email Click tracking setup

Zoho Email Click tracking setup

Learn the steps to set up the email click tracking from this guide.

Navigate to Marketing Email

Login to Zoho and navigate to email sending page. For eg., Contacts >> Click on any contact to send email >> Send Email
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Enable Hyperlinks

  • Select the text you wish to hyperlink in your email content, click the insert link button & add the destination URL
  • Add the Recotap tracking code ?rtm_pid={{contact.recotap_pid}} to the link as a URL parameter
  • If your link has URL parameters already, append the tracking code &rtm_pid={{contact.recotap_pid}} to the link
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Test Click Tracking

You can try send test email & verify if the URL is constructed correctly with rtm_pid parameter & rtm_pid value.